PhD. Fisheries & Aquaculture
A Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) program in Fisheries and Aquaculture is an advanced research-focused program aimed at providing students with in-depth knowledge and expertise in the sustainable management, conservation, and development of aquatic ecosystems, fisheries resources, and aquaculture practices.
Duration of the Programme
The duration of the program shall normally be Two (2) academic years Teaching methods in all units shall include lectures, field trips, seminars, tutorials, discussions, and practical.
Degree Structure
The program offers courses within the degree structure spelled out by the Faculty.
Year 1 semester 1
Advanced Research Methods in Natural Sciences
Fish Ecology and Population Dynamics
Advanced Aquatic Ecology
Aquaculture Production and Management
Scientific writing and publications
Year 1 semester 2
Integrated Coastal Zone Management
Ecology and Management of Wetland Ecosystems
Advanced Fish Nutrition Technology
Fisheries Post-harvest Processing and Technology
Fish Health Management
Year 2
Research Thesis